
Understanding Schengen Visa Travel Insurance Requirements


Traveling to the Schengen region can be an exciting experience, but it has several rules and regulations that must be followed. One such requirement is obtaining travel insurance before you leave - this is a condition of entry and important for ensuring your safety while abroad. This article will look at Schengen visa travel insurance requirements and how to obtain the right coverage.

What is Schengen Visa Travel Insurance?

Schengen visa travel insurance is a form of international health insurance designed specifically for travelers planning to visit any country in Europe's Schengen Area. The Schengen Area is a collective of 26 states that have eliminated all passport and immigration control at their mutual borders. These countries are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain Sweden Switzerland.

Requirements for Schengen Visa Travel Insurance

To be eligible for a Schengen visa to any of the above countries, you must obtain a valid travel insurance policy that meets certain requirements outlined by the European Commission. This includes covering up to €30 000 for any medical costs incurred during your stay in the region. The policy should also cover repatriation costs if needed. The insurance coverage should be accepted in all Schengen states, state the insurance company's name and policy number, cover any pre-existing conditions, and include 24-hour emergency medical assistance. It is important to note that most travel insurance policies are not valid for this purpose, so it is best to confirm with your provider before you purchase your plan.

Where to Purchase Schengen Visa Travel Insurance?

There are a few different options available when it comes to purchasing Schengen visa travel insurance. You can purchase a policy from an international insurer or a local provider in your home country. International insurers may be more expensive, but they often offer better coverage and are more likely to meet the requirements outlined by the European Commission. Local providers may be cheaper, but it is important to ensure they can provide coverage in the Schengen Area.

How Much Does Schengen Visa Travel Insurance Cost?

The cost of Schengen visa travel insurance will depend on factors such as your age, length of stay in the region, and type of coverage you require. Generally, you can expect to pay between €15-30 per day for your policy, depending on these factors. It is also important to note that some policies may have additional fees or restrictions, so carefully read the terms and conditions before making a purchase.

Why Get Schengen Visa Travel Insurance?

Schengen visa travel insurance is essential if you plan to visit Europe, as it covers many unexpected expenses abroad. It offers a wide range of coverage, including medical expenses and repatriation costs in the event of illness or injury, loss of belongings, and personal liabilities such as legal fees. Additionally, it can protect against trip cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances. With Schengen visa travel insurance, travelers can have peace of mind knowing they are covered while abroad.

What if I Don't Have Insurance?

Suppose you travel without a valid insurance policy while in the Schengen Area; you may be subject to fines or even deportation. Therefore, you must obtain the appropriate coverage before making any trip to any of the countries in this region.


Schengen visa travel insurance is an essential requirement for those planning on visiting any of the countries in Europe's Schengen Area. It is important to purchase a policy that meets all the requirements outlined by the European Commission and can provide adequate coverage for medical costs incurred during your stay. There are several options available when purchasing a policy, so research and find one that best suits your needs and budget.

Finally, it is important to remember that failure to obtain the appropriate insurance may result in fines or even deportation, so ensure you are properly covered before traveling. If you have further questions about obtaining a Schengen visa travel insurance policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to answer any of your queries and provide assistance with finding the best policy for your trip. Thank you for taking the time to read this article; we hope it has helped clarify this important topic. Safe travels!

(Writer : Triston Martin)